John Oliver approaches the Apple-FBI showdown with two spoonfuls of sanity and five spoonfuls of humor

“No podemos tener una visión absolutista del cifrado”: Obama entra en el debate del FBI

Set of Thrones, True Detective, The Sopranos, The Wire … HBO has made a name for itself with its television series, but the current affairs show in a humorous tone Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is by far one of the network’s most successful gems. Each week, John Oliver covers a major topic in a way that is accessible to all and that combines his talent for satire with first-rate research .

John Oliver approaches the Apple-FBI showdown with two spoonfuls of sanity and five spoonfuls of humor
John Oliver approaches the Apple-FBI showdown with two spoonfuls of sanity and five spoonfuls of humor

If you didn’t know it and you control enough English, hours and hours of fun (and concern for the state of the world in general and the United States in particular) await you, but the reason you’re reading this at Apple is that this week’s subject is none other than the pitched battle between Apple and the FBI over iPhone encryption.

As usual, Oliver analyzes the issue from the perspective of both sides to emphasize something that many media in our own country have forgotten in their coverage of the conflict: nothing is as simple as it is painted , and as much as Donald Trump calls for a boycott and the FBI wants to draw the apple as little more than an accomplice of terrorism with blood on his hands, the truth is that the result of this crusade to install a back door on every iPhone affects the security of everyone.

The whole piece is more than worthwhile, but the star moment comes at 15:50 with the “honest version” of an Apple ad about how their engineers, however genius they may be, have had enough of the cat and mouse game that keeps them constantly on the edge of the cliff trying to prevent the bad guys from accessing our private photos, bank accounts and ultimately, everything we protect behind our mobile phone password.

At Apple

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