How to Jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 to 64-bit devices using g0blin

Si has hecho jailbreak a iOS 11, necesitas esta alternativa a Cydia

Descarga los archivos necesarios para comenzar

Por ahora, para empezar el proceso, tendrás que descargar todos los programas necesarios en tu ordenador, empezando por el Cydia Impactor, que podrás encontrar aquí y continuando por G0blin jailbreak IPA, disponible aquí. Recuerda no borrarlos tras la primera instalación, ya que deberás reinstalar este último en tu dispositivo cada siete días si quieres mantener el jailbreak.

Empieza a instalarlos en tu dispositivo

How to Jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 to 64-bit devices using g0blin
How to Jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 to 64-bit devices using g0blin

Usando Cydia Impactor, debéis instalar el G0blin jailbreak en vuestro iPhone o iPad. Primero, conectarlo a vuestro ordenador mediante un cable Lightning, después, arrastrad el archivo de G0blin al la interfaz del Cydia Impactor, e introducid vuestro Apple ID.

Te puede interesar
Although there are many people who still don’t understand the reasons why the jailbreak still exists at this point, after the facilities that Apple has been implementing version by version (sometimes giving the impression that it copies Cydia apps shamelessly), the truth is that there are many users who continue to make use of these methods. And for those of you who still want to give your device a little more freedom, we want to give you a hand.

In this little tutorial you will find the simple steps you will have to carry out to jailbreak devices with iOS 10.3.3 using g0blin. However, there is one important thing, and that is that it is not a permanent process, and you will have to renew it every time you restart the terminal. Also, every seven days you will have to reinstall the g0blin app using steps 2 and 3 if you do not have a registered developer account.

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