How to install the watchOS 7 Public Beta on your Apple Watch

Las 6 mejores funciones de watchOS 7

Cómo instalar la beta pública de watchOS 7

La instalación de watchOS es bastante sencilla, aunque debemos utilizar el iPhone que tengamos sincronizado para poder hacerlo. Si ya has leído nuestras recomendaciones, tan solo sigue estos pasos:

  • Lo primero que debes hacer es instalar iOS 14 en tu iPhone, si no watchOS 7 no se podrá instalar.
  • Ahora debes entrar desde el iPhone en la web de Apple para probar las betas públicas.
  • Pulsamos en Sing up que aparece abajo.
  • Nos identificamos con nuestro ID de Apple, si no tenemos un ID para probar las betas creamos uno.
  • Seleccionamos el sistema operativo que queremos instalar, en este caso iOS 14.
  • Bajamos hasta “Get Started” y pulsamos en enroll your Apple Watch.
  • Pulsamos en Download Profile.
  • El iPhone te preguntará en que dispositivo quieres instalar el perfil y eliges el Apple Watch.
  • Ahora tan solo debes dirigirte hasta la app Watch del iPhone> General> Actualización de software.
  • Te aparecerá watchOS 7 beta para descargar.
How to install the watchOS 7 Public Beta on your Apple Watch
How to install the watchOS 7 Public Beta on your Apple Watch

La instalación de watchOS 7 beta es bastante rápida y sencilla , pero ten en cuenta todo lo que te hemos contado ya que no podrás volver a watchOS 6.

That’s how easy it is to install the watchOS 7 Public Beta on your Apple Watch.

By Ángel Roca – Jul 9, 2020ShareFacebookTwitter

The new version of the Apple Watch operating system arrived several days ago at Apple’s WWDC20, and for the first time Apple has given the option to install the watchOS public beta for all users. Normally these betas were exclusively for developers, but you can now install it on your Apple Watch without any major problems .

The new watchOS 7 comes with new spheres, a sleep mode and a hand-washing mode . This is a major update with more new features than we’ve seen in other years for the Apple Watch.

While with other operating systems there is always a way back by restoring our devices, with watchOS there is not. In other words, we can’t go back once we install watchOS 7. But that’s not all, you must also have iOS 14 installed on your iPhone to be able to install it.

Previous recommendations

The truth is that watchOS is the least recommendable system to install, and you must take into account many things since you will not be able to go back to a stable version like watchOS 6.

  • watchOS is special, and you must have iOS 14 installed on your iPhone before you can install watchOS 7.
  • Check that you have an Apple Watch compatible with watchOS 7, here is the complete list.
  • Make a backup before installing the watchOS 7 public beta.
  • You will not be able to return to watchOS 6, so you must remain on watchOS 7, and iOS 14, until their launch in September.
  • Some applications might work badly, we don’t know which ones exactly.
  • The battery lasts less in the betas, it can be little or much, but the battery life is lower.
  • Your Apple Watch could slow down, warm up, or restart.

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